Homemade Kale and Spinach Greek Yogurt Dip.

22 Nov

I wish I thought of this stuff myself. But alas, the Trader Joe’s Gods have shined down on us once more and blessed us with kale and spinach dip.

Oh my goodness! I was first introduced to this brilliance at a potluck at work a few weeks ago. I was hooked on first bite. Carrot after carrot, I couldn’t stop myself from this glorious dip.

I’ve stayed away from it for the past few weeks. I knew if I brought this into my own home I’d demolish the entire container within a few days.

“Ignoring you, dip!” I’d say as I grocery shopped each week and give it my evil eye. “But I’m guilt free!” it begged. Still, I did not cave.

Then, this past weekend, it hit me. I was thinking about what I wanted for dinner and kaleandspinachdip, kaleandspinachdip, kaleandspinachdip wouldn’t leave my head. So off to TJ’s I drove, excited as could be. Reunited, guilt free! I’ll even get some pita bread to dip in it, I thought.

Then, the heartbreak. I walked to the refrigerated section where all the dips and hummus live to find…AN EMPTY SHELF?! No! How could the ONE thing I headed to the store for the most be out of stock? Damn you everyone, who knows the secret amazingness of the dip.

Disappointed and pouting, I drove home. But then I thought to myself, “Joslyn! You silly goose. You just bought everything the dip consists of. Make it yourself.”

I practically threw ingredients around my kitchen as I gathered what I needed.

Oh my goodness. I can’t even remember if this is what the TJ’s version even tasted like, but I don’t care! I’m in love!

Homemade Kale and Spinach Greek Yogurt Dip


1 cup spinach
1 cup kale
1/2 cup of chopped carrots, celery and onions (I used the pre-cut stuff from TJ’s. I’m laze like that.)
1 60z container of plain greek yogurt
1 tbsp vegenaise or mayonnaise (ew, yes, disgusting but do it)
1/2 tbsp garlic powder

Cook spinach and kale until wilted. I was a desperate hungry girl, so I used the microwave. De-clump, and add the rest of the ingredients in a small bowl. Mix well. Try not to eat it all in one sitting. Actually, it’s only about 200 calories anyway, so go for it. (I ate mine in 2 sittings, so no ms. judgey pants here.)

The longer this sits, the bolder the taste gets. Nom nom nom. I can’t promise that t’ll last longer than 12 hours after you make it though, so…enjoy.

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